Local Koorda Flora

Colourful flowering shrubs and wildflowers are a blaze of glory for many months of the year. Probably the most luxurious displays are the Everlastings, for their brief flowering period, and the various types of yellow and pink Verticordia, with especially brilliant Dampiera species being found in the area. Wattles, Bottlebrush and various types of Cassia line many roads in the spring time.

The small red Darwinia Rosea, which is plentiful in the area, and is commonly called the "Koorda Rose" is now being featured in many town gardens. Probably another fifty to sixty species can readily be found during their flowering periods, most particularly between July and October.

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Pictured: Flame Grevillia, Pink Verticordia (Feather Flower), Spider Orchids and Yellow Verticordia


Koorda (town) Approx 920ha Conservation of flora, Good Bush Walking
Badgerin Rock (Badgerin Rock Road) Approx 800ha Water, Flora and Fauna
Kularin Soak (Anderson Road) Approx 250ha Water
Wildflower Park (Mulji Road)   Wildflowers
Mt Collier (Scotsman Road) Approx 400ha Water, Flora and Fauna.  Unusual Rock Dam
Noorajin Soak (Hawkins Road) Approx 250ha Flora and Fauna
Samphire (Burakin Wialki Road) Approx 160ha Wildlife
Mollerin Rock (Mollerin Road South Road) Approx 400ha Wildlife, wildflowers, water and panoramic views
Yowerda (Black Road)   Water and Man-made, cement lined, earth dam
Moningarin Soak (Koorda North West Road)   Water and gnamma's
Nugget Water Hole (Endomore Road)   Small gnamma and excellent views of Lake Moore

Note: "Water" in the above list refers to catchment of same. Refer to Locality Map Koorda Shire for locations of the reserves most of which are equiped with barbeque facilities.

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