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Change of Rates Mailing Address
2024/25 Rate & Budget Information Brochure
2024/25 ESL Flyer
The Shire of Koorda offers two payment options to pay your rates.
Payment early discount amount (OPTION 1)
Wednesday 21 August 2024: A discount of 5% will be applied on rate charges if rates are paid in full before 4.00pm Wednesday 21 August 2024.
The discount is not available after this date, and rates will need to be paid in full by Wednesday 4 September 2024 to avoid interest charges.
Payment in full by due date (OPTION 2)
Wednesday 4 September 2024: Rates are due in full on or before this date by 4.00pm.
Interest will incur on late payments after this date.
Payment in four instalments (OPTION 3)
You have the option to pay your rates by four instalments provided that the first instalment, including any arrears, is paid by the due date (by 4.00pm Wednesday 4 September 2024). This option will incur no additional charges if the instalment is paid by the due dates.
If you have not elected to pay instalments by 4 September 2024, the system will not recognise the instalment option and you will incur interest on the remaining amount until it has been paid in full.
Due dates for instalments are;
- Wednesday 4 September 2024
- Wednesday 13 November 2024
- Wednesday 22 January 2025
- Wednesday 26 March 2025
Payment Methods
The Shire of Koorda accepts rate payments by the following methods:
Payment Online
Payment can be made directly into the Shire of Koorda bank account via online banking. Details of our bank accounts are located on the back of the Rate Assessment Notice or listed below.
Account Name: Shire of Koorda
BSB: 306-028
ACC: 0425 882
Bank West
Please include your name and assessment number on the payment so we can allocate the payment to the correct assessment.
Pay by BPAY

Code: 268987
Reference Number: provided on the front of your rates notice
Pay by Phone

Payment can be made by phone using Visa and Mastercard.
Please call the Shire Administration Office on 08 9684 1219 - do not forget to have your notice handy so that you can give the Administration Officer the required information when it is requested.
Payment by Mail
Post your cheque (crossed with 'not negotiable') or money order, made out to Shire of Koorda, and the payment slip only to:
Shire of Koorda
PO Box 20
The top portion of the notice should be retained as your record, no receipt will be issued unless requested.
Pay in Person at the Shire Administration Office
Present your notice to the Administration Officer at the Shire of Koorda, 10 Haig Street, Koorda.
Office Hours;
Monday to Friday: 9.00am to 4.00pm
(excluding public holidays)
EFTPOS and Credit Card (Visa or Mastercard) facilities are available.
Rate Concessions
Rebates and Deferments
(Applicable to RATES, E.S.L. and SEWERAGE for Koorda only. All other charges to be paid in full).
The rebates to pensioners & seniors under the Rates and Charges (Rebate and Deferments) Act 1992 are funded by the State Government of WA and are capped to an annual maximum.
- Pensioners who met the following eligibility criteria are entitled to claim a rebate of up to 50% off the current years rates, ESL and sewerage to the annual maximum.
- Seniors who meet the following eligibility criteria are entitled to claim a rebate of up to 25% off the current years rates, ESL and sewerage to the annual maximum.
- Eligibility Criteria - to be eligible for concessions under the Rates and Charges (Rebates and Deferments) Act 1992, an applicant must: be the owner and reside in the property on 1 July of the rating year;
- if a Pensioner, either: be in receipt of a pension and hold a pensioner concession card or State concession card; or
hold a Seniors Card issued by the Office of Seniors Interests and a Commonwealth Seniors Health Card; or
- if a Senior, hold a Seniors Card issued by the Office of Seniors Interests; register your entitlement with Council or the Water Corporation (concessions only apply once your application is received and registered).
The rebates to pensioners & seniors under the Rates and Charges (Rebates and Deferments) Act 1992 are funded by the State Government of WA.
A pro-rata rebate may be avaliable from the date of registration to the Pensioners and Seniors who become eligible after 1 July of the rating year.
Please contact Council where you have rate arrears outstanding on the property and you meet the eligibility criteria. You may be able to enter into an arrangement that entiltles you to a rebate or deferment.
If your circumstances change - particularly with respect to your ownership or occupation of the property, or eligibility as a Senior or Pensioner - you must notify Council and the Water Corporation. Your registration will be cancelled or amended, as appropriate
Any person who wilfully makes a false statement in an application made pursuant to this section or who remains registered as an entitled pensioner knowing that they are not qualified to be so registered is guilty of an offence. Penalty $1,000.00
Rebate refers to current rates, e.s.l. and sewerage only. Service charges must be paid in full by all ratepayers.
Emergency services levy
The ESL is a State Government Levy which is required to be collected by Local Government.