Emergency Services

Police Station & Court House

The modern Police Station is staffed by two General Duties Police Officers. Phone (08) 9684 2444 for the Koorda Police Station.

Bush Fire Brigade

The Fire Brigade is on call, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Farmers are to contact Fire Control Officers for burning permits and enquiries on restrictions and harvest bans in the region. There are Fire Control Officers for each area. Contact the Shire Office for details on the officer in your area.

Local Emergency Management Committee (LEMC)

Under the Emergency Management Act 2005, Local Governments are required to perform various tasks which assist the community to prepare, prevent, respond and recover from various emergencies. The group meets around four times a year to discuss and plan for any possible threats that the Koorda Shire faces.

The LEMC has plans and structures to bring together government, voluntary and private agencies in a coordinated way to deal with major emergencies that may occur within the area. These plans cover a whole spectrum of emergency needs, including prevention, preparedness, response and recovery.

The Shire of Koorda LEMC is a group of people comprising of representatives from the Shire, Police, Koorda Volunteer Bush Fire Brigade, St John Ambulance, Co-Operative Bulk Handling, Koorda Primary School, Western Power, Koorda Red Cross, Koorda CWA, DFES Northam, Wheatbelt Districts Emergency Services and State Emergency Management Committee.

The group meets around four times a year to discuss and plan for any possible threats that the Koorda Shire faces. The LEMC has creates Local Emergency Management Arrangements (LEMA) to ensure that all areas are covered and that the correct preparedness is completed if an unfortunate event was to occur in the Shire.

To view the Koorda 2020 LEMA click here

State Welfare Emergency Committee (SWEC)

SWEC and the role of its members The State Welfare Emergency Committee (SWEC) was formed by the Department for Child Protection and Family Support (the Department) to bring together government and non-government organisations, agencies and non statutory volunteer groups to assist them coordinate State welfare requirements arising from a disaster.

In recognition of this vital service, the State Government has tasked the Department to coordinate a welfare response in the event of a disaster. Under the Western Australian emergency management arrangement, the Department is responsible for providing welfare support to those involved in a disaster.

One of the major requirements in an emergency is the provision of welfare services to those who have been displaced, disadvantaged or had their lives and livelihood disrupted.

Welfare services provided for by SWEC include:

  • Emergency accommodation: The provision of temporary shelter for persons rendered homeless and if necessary, the allocation of more permanent accommodation.
  • Emergency catering: Emergency catering provides sustenance for the homeless, evacuees, casualties and welfare workers.
  • Emergency clothing and personal incidentals: Services provided include essential clothing and personal incidentals, such as toiletries.
  • Personal services: The provision of services that ensure affected persons receive the necessary personal support to cope with the affects of loss, stress, confusions and family disruption.
  • Registration and reunification: The implementation of a registration and reunification system enables individuals to be traced, families reunited and inquiries answered.
  • Financial assistance: The provision of financial assistance including personal hardship and distress relief payments, disaster relief payments, special benefits and other forms of financial emergency assistance.

Role of the Department for Child Protection and Family Support: One of the Department’s main roles is to coordinate the agencies that can deliver these emergency welfare services. They are also responsible for their function if the agency isn’t available. The Department provides a welfare coordinator and central co-ordination facility where it can manage the various welfare centres, emergency accommodation, personal services, financial services and registration.

SWEC members: A number of organisations – both statutory and voluntary have accepted specific tasks and responsibilities under WESTPLAN Welfare and Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs).
The following is a list of SWEC members and the role they play in the event of an emergency.

  • The Australian Red Cross: Red Cross is responsible for the registration of evacuees and the management of subsequent inquiries through the "Register, Find, Reunite" system. Red Cross provides trained volunteers who can be called upon at a moment’s notice to enter data, staff telephone lines in the State Inquiry Centre and offer general assistance during a disaster. Red Cross volunteers also provide personal support to people affected by an emergency at evacuation centres, welfare centres, recovery centres or through door knocking in affected areas following an event.
  • Centrelink: Centrelink has a multi-functional role when disaster occurs. They provide short or long term financial assistance to people whose lives have been disrupted by a disaster. Centrelink also works to ensure the continuity of services provided on behalf of its client agencies is maintained or restored with minimal disruption to customers.
  • Department for Fire and Emergency Services (DFES): DFES assists with policy and logistics in the implementation of emergency plans and during their activation.
  • The Western Australian Police: The WA Police assist the welfare centres and emergency accommodation facilities
  • St John Ambulance: The main role of the Volunteer First Aid Service of St. John Ambulance Australia (VFAS) is to provide first aid at evacuation or welfare centres.
  • Salvation Army: The Salvation Army manages emergency catering and personal services to State and Local Welfare Centres. They provide a Support Agency Officer, emergency clothing if required and basic incidentals such as toiletries.
  • Country Women’s Association (CWA): The CWA assists the Salvation Army with the provisions for emergency catering at State and Local Welfare Centres and also provide a Support Agency Officer.
  • Volunteering Western Australia: Volunteering Western Australia supports SWEC by providing assistance with training and community education.
  • Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA):ADRA assist in the management of short to medium term accommodation services for people affected by a disaster, evacuees and emergency service workers.

There are a number of agencies that may be co-opted to assist during an emergency.

  • Department of Health
  • Department of Education
  • Disability Services Commission
  • Department of Indigenous Affairs
  • The WA Local Government Association
  • Office of Multicultural Interests

The role of each co-opted agency is individually negotiated with each agency and entered into the emergency management plan depending on the nature of the emergency.
For more information about SWEC contact the Department for Child Protection and Family Support’s Emergency Services Unit on 9222 2800.