Apply for Development Approval

Application for Development Approval

Whether development requires Development Approval is dependent on many different factors. This could be the location of the development on the property, the zoning of the property, the type of activity or use, the contravention of a Local Planning Policy or other reasons. 

To determine whether an application is required for a proposed development, you can email and provide a site plan or an overview of what you wish to do and one of our Officers will be in contact to provide more information on your proposal. 

Development Assessment Panels

You may also elect to have your development application considered by the Wheatbelt Joint Development Assessment panel (JDAP) if it meets certain criteria.  

The JDAP is an independent decision-making body that determines certain development applications in the place of the original decision maker, such as Local Government and/or the Western Australian Planning Commission (WAPC).

The JDAP can consider your application, if the development:

  • has an estimated cost of $2 million or more or
  • is or includes community housing that is to be provided by a registered community housing provider

The only types of development that are ‘excluded’ are:

  • a single house and any associated carport patio outbuilding and incidental development
  • a development in an Improvement Scheme area
  • a public work
  • development wholly with an area identified as a regional reserve under a region planning scheme

Detail on how to have a development application considered by the DAP are at Lodging a DAP application.