Shire of Koorda Policies 

Page currently under construction. Please contact the office if you require a copy of a policy.

Strategic Policies (Council)

In accordance with Section 2.7(2)(b) of the Local Government Act 1995, Council is to determine the Shire’s policies.

The development and management of Council policy is an ongoing process. It is important that Council policies are kept up to date and are reviewed on a regular basis under the direction of the Chief Executive Officer. If any changes or amendments are required these are brought to Council for endorsement.

Only the Council can amend or rescind a policy.


A - Annual Council Christmas Function V1.0

A - Bereavement Policy (including flying of Koorda Flag at half mast) V1.0

A - Chief Executive Officer Performance Review Policy V1.0

A - Elected Members, CEO and Employee Attendance at Events Policy V1.0

A - Freeman of the Shire of Koorda - Guidelines for Appointments V1.0

A - Internet, Email Usage and Access to IT Systems Policy V1.0

A - Use of Shire of Koorda Logo V1.0



Elected Members

EM - Continuing Professional Development – Elected Members V1.0

EM - Elected Member Entitlements V1.0

EM - Elected Member Service Recognition V1.0

EM - Elected Member Social Media and Communications V1.0


F - Corporate Purchasing Cards V1.0

F - COVID-19 Financial Hardship V1.0

F - Debt Recovery V1.0

F - Donations and Requests to Waiver fees V1.0

F - Grants - Community Grants Program V1.0

F - Investments V1.0

F - Purchasing Policy V1.0

Governance & Compliance

G - Appointment of an Acting Chief Executive Officer V1.0

G - Child Protection Code of Conduct

G - Child Protection Policy V1.0

G - Child Protection Procedures

G - Code of Conduct Behavioural Complaints Management V1.0

G - Complaints Management V1.0

G - Conducting Electronic Meetings and Attendance by Electronic Means V1.0

G - Council Meeting Systems V1.0

G - Development, Review and Amendment of Policies V1.0

G - Fraud and Corruption Control V1.0

G - Internal Control V1.0

G - Legislative Compliance V1.0

G - Risk Management V1.0

G - Shire of Koorda Dress Code for Australian Citizenship Ceremonies V1.0

G - Use of the Shire of Koorda Common Seal-Executing of Legal Documents V1.0

Property, Planning & Land

Works & Assets

W - Asset Management V1.0

W - Consumption of Alcohol on Shire Property V1.0

W - Recreational Vehicles and Overflow Camping Grounds V1.0

Operational Policies (Staff)

In accordance with Section 5.41 of the Local Government Act 1995, it is a function of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to manage the day-to-day operations of the local government and to be responsible for the employment, management, supervision, direction and dismissal of the local government’s employees. This is not the role or function of Council.

Therefore, the policies relating to staff cannot be determined by Council. While those policies have been included in this manual for the purpose of transparency and accountability, it should be noted they are internal documents determined, reviewed and implemented by the CEO.