Local Koorda Fauna
There are a number of wildlife reserves within the Koorda Shire, some of which are 100ha or more in area. As well as being water catchments, these offer shelter to the wildlife of the district, of which the most plentiful are Kangaroos, Rabbits and Foxes.
Travellers of minor roads, or the patient bush walker, may see Echidna, Field Mice and other less common animals.
Bird life is prolific and varied - thirty or forty different species being readily observable, of which the most common are the pink and grey Galah, many kinds of Parrots, Magpies, Mudlark and Finches, Ground Lark and Water Fowl in winter.
In the northern parts of the Shire, Emus are found. Mallee Fowl, Wild Turkey, Cockatiels and other comparatively rare species may be seen by the careful observer, and this area has usefulness for ornithological group camps.