Proposed Koorda Caravan Park Local Law

Published on Tuesday, 25 March 2025 at 3:13:09 PM

Proposed Koorda Caravan Park Local Law


The Shire of Koorda is proposing a new local law to apply to the Koorda Caravan Park and camping grounds.

The purpose of the proposed local law is to provide for the regulation, control and management of the Koorda Caravan Park.

The effect of the proposed local law is to establish the requirements for entry to, and use of, the Koorda Caravan Park.

The proposed local law can be inspected at the Shire Offices at 10 Haig Street, Koorda between the hours of 9 am to 4pm during weekdays and excluding public holidays.

The community is able to make submissions in regard to the proposed caravan park local law for a six-week period, ending on 8th May, 2025.                                                             


Written submissions can be delivered in person to the Shire Offices as per the opening times mentioned previously; by mail to Shire of Koorda, PO Box 20, Koorda WA 6475, or via email to 

Zac Donovan

Chief Executive Officer

Proposed Koorda Caravan Park Local Law

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